Choosing a custom home builder is the most critical step of building your own luxury abode in Naples. For prospective self-builders anywhere in Southwest Florida, BCB Homes would like to put ourselves up for consideration as the foremost builder of high-end custom homes in the region.
The leading builder of Southwest Florida, BCB Homes builds, renovates, and manages beautiful homes and estates in the most prestigious communities in the region. Our process assures that clients are thrilled with the way that their homes mirror their desires and that the homes themselves stand up well against the challenges that occur naturally to homes in this subtropical climate.
The quality of our work is widely recognized, and we’ve been honored with numerous awards over the thirty years we have contributed to the beauty of the area’s elite communities. We invite prospective homebuilders to reach out for references, view our online gallery, or schedule a home tour or consultation.
Home Build Motivation
The very first consideration regarding your home build should be your motivation for building your own home. The choice to build instead of buying an existing home can be one that comes with headaches, greater expense, and a longer wait, so knowing why can help define the expectations regarding the build and shore you up to withstand the stresses that may come your way. Of course, BCB Homes offers a streamlined process and clear communication to mitigate these stressors.
Custom Home Planning
The primary element to consider when planning your home design deals with the rooms and their sizes. How many bedrooms, family gathering spaces, purpose-driven rooms, and other spaces required should be defined and then placed in a way that works well for the family’s comfort, use, and noise levels.
Defining the Home Style
Each home should have a singular style that defines it. Do you prefer contemporary or traditional style, coastal or Mediterranean? These questions, along with home orientation, will lay the foundation for layout drafting.
Energy Strategy
Beyond the room requirements of your fantasy home, you’ll need to consider energy efficiency and the strategies for both heating and cooling. BCB Homes is known for our green building. The particular techniques and building materials we use ensure that the building envelope and home systems are ideal for the climate.
Factor in the Budget
Ultimately, the budget for your home should guide planning. As you create your home plan, make sure that this number is clearly communicated and emphasized throughout the experience.
Schedule Considerations
The timeline for your build is another point to keep clear. The schedule should include points of completion along the way as well for assured accountability and clarity.
Building Information Modeling (BIM)
The Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology we use allows any potential issues with the design to be identified and rectified before building begins.
This single software offers a host of benefits that covers aspects related to construction, functionality, and market value. It operates via 3-D modeling, 2-D architectural plans, interior plans with dimensions, aerial images, 3-DS Max, as-built construction documents, and laser scanning.
If you’re in the process of choosing a custom home builder for construction in the Naples area, look to BCB Homes. Our offices in Naples, Sarasota, and Boca Grande welcome your call at (239) 643-1004, (941) 330-0800, or (941) 964-1704, respectively, or you may contact us online here.